All posts by cpc_admin
Franca Perrotta Vice President
Natalie Martin Treasurer
Stefanie Heath Reinert Founder and Board Liaison
Animal Abuser Registry – Now Live in Onondaga and Oneida County!
Great news! The Oneida County Animal Abuser Registry has now been established by an act of the Oneida County Legislature. The complete law in Onondaga County may be viewed here.
Anyone convicted of animal cruelty, who resides in Onondaga County, is required to register with the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office within five (5) days of their release from incarceration or, if not incarcerated, from the date of the conviction. The registry is not retroactive. The information listed below has been supplied by convicted offenders to the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office.
To view the Animal Abuser Registry in Onondaga County, click here.
To see the other counties, click these links:
- Albany
- Onondaga (same as above)
- Bronx
- Cattaraugus
- Kings
- Nassau
- Niagara
- Orange
- Queens
- Staten Island Richmond County
- Rockland
- Suffolk
- Ulster
Maggie Benedict Event Coordinator
Valerie Cerilli Business Manager
Happy Tail: Meet Jackson
This Happy Tail is courtesy of Leah Kraus, from Dewitt, NY:
“My husband Greg and I adopted Jackson when he was just 12 weeks old. To be honest, for most of my life before that, I held onto some misconceptions about pit bulls. Growing up in the suburbs, the pets around me were Labrador retrievers and beagles, bought through breeders or in pet stores. Growing up, having no exposure to the breed, I was raised with the notion that pit bulls were scary and dangerous. This was an idea I got from adults around me and stories I heard on the news.
“This all changed when my sister-in-law got a pit bull named Diesel as her family dog. As I got to know Diesel, I quickly fell in love. Diesel was one of the biggest, strongest dogs I had ever seen, and also one of the gentlest, most loving dogs I’d ever met. I began to realize that the impressions I’d had about pit bulls might be, well, just plain wrong.”
“In 2010, my siblings and our significant others started a tradition – instead of giving each other Christmas gifts, we’d give pet food and bedding to the CNY SPCA. In 2011, when we went to drop off our donations, we fell in love with a pit bull puppy, who had been dropped off at the SPCA with his six siblings. He seemed timid, and spent most of our visiting time curled up in my lap. We adopted him as soon as he was old enough to get neutered, and named him Jackson. He quickly gained confidence and energy outside of the shelter. Now, Jackson’s days are filled with all of his favorite things -long walks on the Canal, kisses, belly rubs and other doggie friends.
“Jackson has not only completed our family, but completely changed the minds of our family members, friends and neighbors. I remember the day I called to tell my mom I was considering adopting a pit bull puppy. She told me I’d be putting my future children in danger by adopting a pit. Now, she and my dad are Jackson’s #1 fans. They love to dog-sit their ‘grandpuppy’ and will tell anyone who will listen to them about how good Jackson is with his human toddler cousins. So many people who spend time with Jackson have the same reaction — “He’s a pit bull? Really? But he’s so sweet!” It goes to show you how much work still has to be done, but how one dog and one advocate can change many minds!
“I’ve gotten involved with Cuse Pit Crew because I know that, like me, there are many other kids and adults locally who have been raised with false perceptions about bully breeds. And because of this, these families are overlooking adoption as an option. I love that Cuse Pit Crew is shedding a positive light on the breed and expanding the minds of so many humans – thereby improving the lives of so, so many dogs!”
Pitbull guards owner, but is then taken away
A pit bull named Precious is stealing hearts and grabbing headlines. In a heartwrenching example of pet-owner loyalty, Precious sat by her owner April Newell’s side last Wednesday when the woman laid injured after a house fire.
But following this act of devotion, Precious is now unable to live with his owners.
Prince George’s County, Maryland, where Precious and her family resided, has a law in place that bans pit bulls.
Now, Newell must find a new home for Precious; some stories report she may be rehomed with her owner’s sister in a nearby county. Newell was able to get a second pet back in her ownership, because that dog is not a pit bull.
To read more about Precious and her story, click here.
To take a stand on ending breed-specific legislation that separates families, petition Congress!
To read more about why breed-specific legislation is ineffective, and the alternatives, view the ASPCA’s stand on BSL.
Fighting BSL for Dogs Like Stitch
Today, in the small city of Council Bluffs, Iowa, residents are taking a stand to end breed-specific legislation.
It all started when Council Bluffs resident Shala Richardson was ordered to remove family pet Stitch from her household by a local animal control officer – all because Stitch is a pit bull.
Heartbroken, Shala is taking action. She’s collected signatures from over 700 local residents, petitioning to lift the city’s 10-year-old ban. The petition is now being considered by City Council.
Major organizations like the American Bar Association, the American Veterinary Medical Association and the ASPCA all oppose breed-specific legislation (BSL). However, hundreds of U.S. cities have bans against “bully breeds” in place.
We commend Shala and the residents of Council Bluffs for their efforts to repeal this ineffective and discriminatory law.
For the whole story on Shala and Stitch, read the full article.
To support Shala, sign her petition on
To take a stand on ending breed-specific legislation, petition Congress!
To read more about why breed-specific legislation is ineffective, and the alternatives, view the ASPCA’s stand on BSL.